ENDPCR - Satire
Mobile phone: Yellow_with_attitude                                                                                           Email: more@stones.com
Date: Aug 30, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

We are short before ~ ~
a global uprise.
The USA shows the way.
It used to be Hellas & Rome.
Now it's THE!!~ ~
United States of America.
The left and right political wings are
a thing of the past, just like fantastic
religious governing models (they both
treasure capitalism).
Together they form a giant
garbage container.

of the United States of America
On Tuesday - November 5th
2024⁩ - Thereafter. . . . .

Date: Aug 27, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

Everything I propose fills a utopian scene.
If we don't reduce the Earth's population to 50 million.
Fifty million intelligent, highly educated, committed individuals with earthly existential privileges.

People think that human life is about faith, family, friends, communities,
law and order? Serving a country? They are mixed up peas in a hot pot! ~
Not knowing if they are coming or going. What is up may be down,
and right may seem to be left?

These are animal qualities imposed on a brain that is not mended to be comprehensible.
BECAUSE IT'S COSMIC - by nature.
Kamala Harris is a wild card in any situation to win the game.
? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
I don't know whether to cry or laugh.
Well, I'm fucking angry!

of the United States of America
On Tuesday - November 5th
2024⁩ - Thereafter. . . . .

Date: Aug 25, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

ALL ~ politicians are dirty
They smell from a thousand metres away.

All politicians run out of time.
Capitalism is running out of time.

Kamala Herris ended a major speech with the words 'God bless America'.
That is because people want to hear it.

At the same time there are scientists who are working out a global system of self-government.

All politicians are dirty and refuse to wash themselves ~ because YOU LIKE that poli-smell.

of the United States of America
On Tuesday - November 5th
2024⁩ - Thereafter. . . . .

Date: Aug 6, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

There!! ~ is another doud,
There!! ~ is another sissy.

With the rise of organised state capitalism (the last 80 earth years), people take any shit, big or small, for granted.
Meanwhile, Once a jock is saturated, it is no longer funny.

There are smart, clever people everywhere.
But most of them lack originality. They are followers.

The very few with great realistic common sense are declared terrorists, very dangerous individuals to be avoided.

I will repeat myself, that's why I'm here. To repeat myself to you in the hope that at some point I will get through
to most of you to demand what is in balance with the rest of our existential life on this beautiful planet.

Leave animal behaviour to be practised by animals.

The main objective is to make forgery visible as much as possible, because capitalism is a BIG fucking fake illusive jock.

It goes hand in hand with ALL state structures, and with them, induced belief practices of one kind or another.

of the United States of America
On Tuesday - November 5th
2024⁩ - Thereafter. . . . .

Date: July 29, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

of the United States of America
On Tuesday - November 5th
2024⁩ - Thereafter. . . . .

There is only one way to bring peace to the Middle East:
Through the method of Ratia. Horizontally and vertically. Free women and children from monopolistic brainwashing.

But prior to that, the Pope of Rome must get lost, and declare the Vatican City a institution of shame.

This will show the rest of the world, Russia, China, Korea, India, Pakistan, Turkey, that Western civilisation wants
freedom on Planet GAIA for all time to come.

We should?!?!?
Build a solid cube 10km x 10km x 10km on top of Jerusalem and its surroundings. Remove all the mountains.
The top of the cube, will be used as a space transport hub. While five lower levels of the cube will be used as living
areas for scientists, advanced research and development laboratories, and services. Access to the Cube will be by
air only (the top platform). All without the use of capitalist practices.

This "MUST BE" the work of woman - man - and children on the planet GAIA.

Date: July 22, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

of the United States of America.

Although I have sympathetic feelings for a republic,
I must say that I do not like at all !!!! the political
and other supporters of Donald J. Trump.

Date: July, 17 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

I made a commitment to myself to not expend my energy and
relative time on matters that are beyond my control.
As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, it is essential
that everything we do, say, think, and fantasize is based
on a solid scientific foundation. This approach requires
a constant and ongoing process of improvement,
and ~ ~, adaptation.

If you like to have a relaxed good time, full of laughter,
listening to a comedian???
This is indeed a very silly way to enjoy yourself.

Those days are long gone.
Only sparks, smells, sounds and memories stand in your way to overcome a fictional
way of pretending to have been happy. True happiness is always by your side when design
and production turn out to be functional as expected.

This, and only this, is NOT ONLY truly exciting, fulfilling, and! entertaining!!:

Any other lifestyle is a fool's way.
Trusting what the news, entertainment, capitalistically induced education, YouTube,
and so many other nicely set up infrastructures keep most people busy with foolish
neardying behaviors.
This way they can satisfy most of the capitalistic strategic indentations.

Before concluding this article, I would like to reiterate the following:
We have amazing communication tools in our hands today.
Never before has humanity on this planet GAIA known what it means to be able to
communicate effectively and efficiently.
This ability allows us to categorically cut out the middle man or woman and get right
to the point for billions of people, completely bypassing political alchemy.

Date: July, 14 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

The reason why I don't come up with ideas to solve political problems is very
frustrating for many of you, because I don't describe a parallelogram from a
different perspective that might actually solve some problems from the inside.
No, you come to my website to read shit. You read my complaints about the very
structure of human existence, which exists within a capitalist, political and
religious framework.

Let me tell you something.
Everything you see and hear on shit TV, newspapers, magazines and so on? ~
is all controlled and staged to make sense to your senses, which have been
manipulated from childhood (mendaly).

Your problem is the same as the world's?
You have found a nice corner to be in and you refuse to fight for what is
really going on. What has to do with money. Wealth, social status.

jewish, Day of Atonement
Hajj, the pilgrimage to the Kaaba, the House of Allah
Greek Orthodox Easter
On another communal level, the banking system.

I can't be part of all this shit!!!
People are getting more and more,
No land to live on, no water to drink,
No place to hide.

Date: July 5, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

What about?

The rapid growth intervals of the automation system?, Mister Starmer?

The international elite scrum to get the best global geographic spots?, Mister Starmer?

Disintegrating power centres into global areas where no one goes?, Mister Starmer?

The intertwining of the strength of the banking sector, the result of which is the
ability of people to be commutable as industrial gap fillers?, Mister Starmer?

The world as one and each nation as another?, Mister Starmer?

The problem of overpopulation on the planet?, Mister Starmer?

Capitalist bogus core messages to drive the medical industry
(to give just one example )?, Mister Starmer?

All these religious lies that you are constantly refreshing for the public to
believe in (The stupid majority of the public).?, Mister Starmer?

After the First World War, all governments learned
their lessons well. In order to govern large numbers
of people effectively, without using the gun, they
have created talents who can say things in the living
room that they cannot say in the bedroom.

In the living room they say what the stupid majority
wants to hear from them.

I think we all know that by now. Don't we??

But here we are.
The majority of people rush to the polls to vote
again and again, to force the same theatrical shit.
Afterwards they are surprised when something big
happens that upsets their comfort.

Blinded by tradition, family ties and heroic
religious behaviour, this majority of people forces
the leaders to do what is easy to maintain, so that
it is in harmony with what stupidity wants.

I'm confident that our current communications capabilities can make the difference
in a self-governing way. We can solve the greatest communication complexities with
our current technical abilities. We don't need politicians who take acting lessons
before they stepping into the centre of government.

Date: June 28, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing



Just like an Iranian woman,

She is born into a world of giant fences, where the social glue is trivial when she is looking
into her mirror. If she is lucky enough to have a mind of her own, She fantasises about a
revolution of unconditional freedom while snuggled up in a comfortable and cosy position
under her duvet.


Blinded by the freedom that the capitalist system has to offer.

Supermarkets stocked with food-stuffs (I don't eat most of this shit) full of chemicals,
and a variety that make your head spin. While the prices are to sadisfy the profit gains,
quarter after quarter, so that the hierarchy of this capitalistic sector can celebrate
on top of your misery, or sick happiness.

Y E S . . ! ! ! !

The capitalist system claims to be freedom in person, standing in front of you everywhere
you fucking go. Without triviality being an issue.

It's going so well for the capitalists that all religions, all politics are enthusiastically, energetically giving the world the thumbs up.
Of course this is because more and more people are joining the capitalist elite structure because 'THERE IS' the western
civilised honey pot. The social glue of having to belong is very strong.

But HEY..!!
True universal freedom is infinitely stronger.

You think ~ ~,
If more and more people are joining the capitalist system, it must be good. Just like the Iranian woman, if she does not hope for a
revolution, because triviality is massaged by fantasy, in her world.

By day, She is an Iranian government employee.

Date: June 24, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

Felicity Consciousness,
the Progress Killer!!

Origin of the word felicity, from the Latin felix, meaning happy.

In the last century, people have been exposed to knowledge that is no longer sacred. It is secular. Long enough had the working class
conceptualised dark and bright minds. What made all the difference between 'wanting to have' and 'not wanting to have' was the fact
that the mind got all the credit it deserved for being intelligent. This is a very important step. It has finally happened,
for naturalists, atheists, Eastern Buddhists and Christians. Not fast enough in my opinion, but at last the human mind is free. In this
social group of people.

Now another problem has begun to emerge in the behaviour of Nowerday people.

The conceptualisation of the differences between economic classes has already begun to produce a Nirwana-must perception, especially
among young people. The majority of them are inscribed on a ring, to be posy, while wishing for the plasticity of a Felix person.
Twirling, humming, centre staging their army of 'Felix nerds'.

Since these masses of "Felix nerds" are seasoned and maintained by a capitalist order regulated by governments, it is an explosive
problem to be taken very seriously.

But as it seems,
The majority of the political driving forces sitting on high horses don't give a shit about what's happening right now. All they care
about is creating the right positions for their children in a hundred years' from now.

We are all in a war of settings.

That's no blab.

We are all in a constant war for the artificial setting of the parameters of
the environment in which our situations are.

Capitalism - religions - politics

is the framework problem that WE MUST SHAKE OFF.

Date: June 21, 2024                                              Overpopulation is killing

Population per square kilometer

India: 431 people
Netherlands: 423 people
Japan: 333
Germany: 233 people
Switcherland: 223 people
China: 149 people
Indonesian: 144 people

Are we rats? ~ ~ No!
Are we ants? ~ ~ No!

We are overturning a warrior comonality that is:
Space for fucking, eating, resting - fantasising and sleeping.

We are intelligent warriors through nature's intentional bio-mechanics. No one in their
right mind can deny this fact. But we have become slorpy walkers, when you get drunk,
ass-fucked, screwed or sloshed, using words like please and thank you.

All I can hope for is a natural corrective mechanism to put thoughts into
intentional behaviour. Because only such a behaviour can withstand the
maximum pain while learning.

Date: June 15, 2024

Pope Francis/Full name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an impostor and a fraud.

The tragic acceptance of the humanities, just because they like it that way, allows this
Pope to be a legalised fraud. Just like the majority of political leaders,
who are swayed by the ideas that satisfy the crazy majority.

This is why Plato did not like so much, democracies.
Instead he was convinced that a singularity
based on a broad republic, is a realistic
intelligent relative human position,
that can be easely adjusted.

Platos broad spectrum republic
is also to my liking.

Date: June 14, 2024

Who is attending the G7 Summit 2024?

Canada:justin Trudeau
France:Emmanuel Macron
Japan:Fumio Kishida
Germany:Olaf Scholz
Italy:Giorgia Meloni
UK:Rishi Sunak
US:Joe Biden

EU Council President:Chales Michel

Also for the first time.

Pope Francis, the first pontiff to address a G7 summit,
because the Vatican is Shaking.

He is supposed to sound the alarm about the Technical Intelligence.

G7 leaders will launch action plan using the Technical Intelligence to create
quality jobs and empower workers.

What a fucking lough!!!!
These people are full of shit!

Because it defeats the very purpose of the Technical Intelligence,
which is, among many other things, to increase productivity, which in
turn means reducing the workforce.

The G7 leading industrialised nations,
Will establish a framework to counter foreign threats to democracies.
Including public disclosure of information on manipulation of operations.

The press reports, among other things, that the G7 leaders are very concerned about
foreign manipulation of information and interference in democratic institutions and
processes, while technologies are growing exponentially. They are concerned about
interference, dirty cyber activities, and transnational repression that can
undermine SOVEREIGNTY and DEMOCRATIC values.

SOVEREIGNTY === Is Like: Royal authority, the dominion of a monarch.
This is how the elite structure likes it.

DEMOCRATIC === Riding a horse with favourable pre-fitted horseshoes.
A clumsy but sturdy one-way road that they want you to see as a
free!! ~ ~ three-dimensional direction!! ~ ~ with blendy of hop off points.

They will NOT DISCUSS!
The serious problems of overpopulation,
Fantasy religious practices,
The destructive power of traditional behaviours,
Out of control family formations,
The monopoly of the banking system,
4 billion people starving,


2 billion people not knowing if they will be alive tomorrow.


Date: June 12, 2024

Never let social media influence you,
or similar, YouTube.

Never be swayed by websites
that insist on traditions.

For that matter,
Squeaky clean and respectful scientific websites
will try very hard to convince you that the majority
of monarchs in the western world are kept to attract
tourists. This appears to be the case,
but it is far from the truth.

Just consider this;
A grandfather is 96 years old and his wife (grandmother) is 94 years old.
These grandparents no longer have any direct influence on your daily life.
But just like babies, they have superpowers that can be used to steer you,
<< U N E F I C I A L L Y >>.

I personally think that nostalgia is a very strong psychotic memory package in some people's
brains, which transmits unwanted noise from long gone eras.

Europe needs to split up completely, for individual countries to merge with whoever else,
until the united road of planet Street of Planet Earth is big enough to accept cohesion
without fucking repulsion.

Any other formations like the
"European Union",
with it's own security systems,
armies, defence systems,
will add another grey or
very dark balancing act
in the history of this planet.

This is what strong powers do,
they constantly adjust their
balancing skills,

We don't need this shit anymore.
I urge people to get guns and kill
these motherfucking political - communal leaders.

A member of the European Parliament earns around 8000 euros net per month.
There are 705 elected members in the European Parliament. This means that at
least 7-15 politicians from each member country compete against each other to get to Brussels.
That makes about 5000 to 13000 anyones who are lucky enough to be able to compete for a
monthly salary of 8000 Euros. Each and every one of them is after one thing and one thing only.
The salary and the socio-political prestige.

There must be an end to this deception.
We don't need any more politicians and politics in the western world that are only good at
giving religious cover to idiots for free.

The question arises who should we kill first?, not starting with ourselfs?

Date: June 8, 2024

Anyone can be on the right side, squeaky clean, progressive, lovable.
Equally, "anyone" can be a monster, hated, while doing the things that were
promised to make that person successful.

Adolf Eichman (Nazi military leader, for burning jews) was such an "anyone".
It all depends how conveniently lucky you are, to fulfil some of your
cornerstone visions, fantasies, and or dreams. Or by seeing an opportunity
you never thought of.

Yes..!! ~ ~
We are at war!
Every day, with ourselves, with other political sub-realities,
with the exponential growth of technological intelligence, that is not!
with the unfortunate ordinary people, but with bottomless, groundless
capital markets, corrupt politicians, capitalistic profit gain seekers
in every fucking thing they do.

How long before you ordinary people pick up real firearms,
guns, yes guns, to fuck the shit out of each other?

Date: May 28, 2024

Climate change?
The hole in the ozone layer?
The Pope and LGBTQ+ people?
Is the hole in the ozone layer still there?
Is the Sydney Opera House still a venue for events?

Do I have a green, blue or pink bottom?
Are the capitalists afraid of a reduction in the population?

Come on, you ordinary people, ~ ~ Ha!?!?

We have only one problem, and one problem only.
And it's called: " O V E R P O P U L A T I O N "...!!

All Christians are crazy about family unity! And the alliance of families.


These Ordinaries are local aliens who are stuck in a fantasy puzzle about many everyday things.
This, of course, creates a lot of friction, exactly the opposite of the Muslims,
and of course far behind the hippie atedude of the Indians in India.

I can see that,
You should all get together every year and have a party:
" Yes man - thank you sir - sorry madam".

Ah - Ha !!!!
Why don't you all have more children?
The Muslims and Indians are very good at it.
They could teach the Christians a thing or two.

Date: May 25, 2024

It came to me suddenly.
On impulse, without preparation.

Many people in the developed world have turned their backs on religion, and the existence of
a universal God. I finally got it! ~ ~ I know why.

Horizontally, a good standard of living has led people not to question the luxury of their
lives and has given rise to rational motives for despising violence and war.

This is why I strongly advocate a drastic reduction in the world's population.
Only then will everyone be able to enjoy the maximum beauty of life on planet GAIA.
And I seem also to understand that this is the way it is meant to be,
through the dynamics of evolution, driven by an exponential driving force.

Date: May 21, 2024

If you don't know what to do,
Kill your self.

By doing so, make sure you do not disturb anyone.

Date: May 20, 2024

We must not continue
pretending to be intelligent
while insisting on restrictions
for the common good.

There are infinite examples of complex and precise adaptive behaviors in animals
and plants. Just like machines, these are purposeful behaviors.
It's not only to recognize highly sophisticated structures, and solve them.
We humans have deep psychological roots that sometimes tear us apart.
Our inner physiological balance requires far more than the satisfaction in
solving theoretical and practical problems.

Freedom, is one of them.

I am not free, if I cannot say NO!! To governments legal structures,
fines (Money extracted as a penalty), regulations, restrictions, and imposed
social phase behaviors.

If there are ten people living together in one department with only one bathroom,
Surely, there must be priorities, and some kind of regulation. But this is because
There are many people living in this department with only one bathroom.

Before I go on, I would like to make it clear to narrow minds
that intelligence arising from philosophical encounter,
is a bucket of shit, upside down.

The word "Philosophy" comes from the Hellenic word "φιλοσοφια",
and it means;
<< A universe of friendly, practical, reflective adaptations >>

This, so-called "Philosophy",
has costed humanity at least 2000 GAIA years.
Within these friendly, practical, and reflective adaptation
are embedded in all jewish, christian, and muslim religions.

Trust me,
We must do, ~ ~ without it.

The human brain does not differ very much from other earthy physiological
non-human entities, like apes, fish, reptiles, birds, insects, and even plants.
We humans have developed spherical intelligence that relies on a multitude
of other human activity, in which everyone else is tuned in. That's why,
most people can't function alone. Most get very sick, depressed, and melancholic.
Others take their lives, they kill themselves.

Of course, this is my theory.
I will never insist that it is exactly that.

A strong individual like myself (I'm living alone with my dog.
Yes, I am talking to my dog, and to myself.)
does not understand obligatory responsibilities. I am what I am at any instance.
If I can't take apart a complex structure to analyze it on my bench, I look for a
similar one that I can take apart.

I do understand now that if there is something worth it, it must be
able to defend itself against anyone and anything.

Right now, all people, including myself, are at the mercy of the ruling
powers, which is a stinking, smelly fish. From the head to its tail.

Intelligence is forceful.
It does not bargain.
Intelligence is meant to be free.
While rightful on its own accord,
accordance with rights, are for entertainment.
And the side effects are for the blender in recycled mode.

Date: May 14, 2024

The most reliable index
Of social misery!!

State capitalistic gearing for breadcrumbs distributions??

State pension for the lucky ones??

Social status index (Bank accounts balances?? )

Daily grouch threshold, better than Ethiopian hunger??

China's (1400000000 people) demographic (Populations broken down by skill and ability),
to maintain the ability filter, trusties stay on forever??

India's (1300000000 people) demographic brutality, first in, first out,
trusties stay on forever??

This is in the past.
The scientific orientated people of GAIA (earth) have changed the way we perceive
reality, with technologies like;
    Real time 2D & 3D communication.

    Instantaneous track and trace.

    Some hard labor been done by machines.

    Most designs of all sectors are designed using appropriate software applications.

    All micro and nano electronics components are produced with exclusive automations (Robotics).

    Computer animations are exceeding far beyond usual standards.

    The internet technical intelligence can today (2024) provide us with all answers currently
    known to us. On top of that, the technical intelligence has the ability to provide us with
    proposals of its own, for acceptance or rejection.

Just a few to mention.

Beyond of all the above,
GAIA has only one problem, only one!
It is: Overpopulation.

I am so sure, more than ever, that humanities problems today are self ignited by
sparks of all sorts. The reason for that is the fucking religious beliefs, driving people into
fantastically warm companionship's through the origin, which is, THE FAMILY UNION.

As a result,
Undesirable conditions of the natural environment being contaminated with complex ingredients as a
consequence of endless human activities that flow in from the torrent called: OVERPOPULATION.

50 Million
Scientific orientated humans minds
are more than enough,
For beautiful planet

It's time to die,
Stupid farts..!!

Date: May 12, 2024

Religious humans are the only ones that promote
and support mental and physical disabilities.
Regardless of prior knowledge, before birth,
of serious disability.

Loudly demonstrating against birth abortions,
This goody, goofy people are responsible for
the increase of capitalistic medical
entrepreneurial opportunities seek.

After birth, this handicapped human beings, do suffer far more! Then enjoying
the pleasures of been in life.

I personally get very sad, and very upset at the same instance, if I'm forced to
watch such handicapped creations.

Ones in my life, when I was a permanent Resistance of Australia,
at Sydney - Kings Cross main through road (1983), I could not resist speaking to
a handicapped female person, asking her how she manages her life.

Immediately, she started crying, saying;
    I do not know why they are feeding me,
    I do not understand how to ignore my mind's alarm bells and drive myself in
    any possible way to enjoy, what ever there is to be enjoyed with my bodies

You're fucking stupid bastards!!

I really would enjoy
To shoot your << STUPID >> fucking heads.

You are so lucky that I'm not in a position of great power, because I would have launched all
nuclear and chemical weapons against you, while laughing my heads off.

It's very different, of course, for people that encounter disability after an accident.

The bottom line is this
    We have the technologies that enable us to know if an embryo is physically fit for this life.
    If the results are negative, it should not come into this world.
    It's far-fetched to experiment with bionic supplements, prosthesis.

Mental disability is at the present moment very difficult to absolutely predict.
Statistics have shown that motherhood, and social surroundings are to be blamed
for inoculated mental disabilities.

Serious mental disorders including major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
borderline personality disorder (VA).
And personally, I would include "Religious disorder".

This serious mental disorders are all the trouble in the world, together with capitalism.

That's why I strongly insist for the free use of all weapons for self-defense.
Remember that almost all local and global political leaders are mentally, sick bastards.

Date: May 5, 2024

Science and Truth forever!!

I must repeat myself,
The United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany ~ ~
Are these main countries that have connected the ancient fab from Hellas and Rome
to continue where humanity did discontinue because of organized religious practices, that are misinterpreting truth and endless light from implying methodologies and
disciplines for scientific realization and explorations that increases the human
consciousness within the cosmic vastness.

The Middle East (Inclusive Turkey and Egypt) posing a danger to a progressive world
full of science and truth.

With that in mind,
Rightly behavior from the United States of America as a permanent watchdog on
Middle eastern soil is a MUST TO BE THERE.

That does not mean, to disadvantage clued human minds within this dark and corrupt
middle eastern countries. Especially "Woman", and young children that deserve better,
because they are dependable human beings.

There must be a way to separate people desperately wanting to change the way they are
currently forced to see lifestyles, projected through fanatical religious practices.
Staying alive within this horrific conditions is to me equal to the second world war

If we want to claim freedom everywhere.

Date: May 3, 2024

I will never have regrets at what I'm just about to publish.

The Christian Easter solemnization that is going on right now on the Hellenic soil,
I will describe it as LOONY, totally detached from historical events that matters,
as far as the historical continuation of Hellas on Hellenic soil is concerned.

Hellas, together with the Romans, have shaped not only Europe, but the human world
on planet GAIA (earth).

There were lots of smart cultures on our planet, but no one culture comes close to
the systematic approach of science and technology. As a matter of fact, amongst the
Roman's and the Hellenes, it was the Hellenes that educated and lead the Romans to become
what they did. Most advanced weaponry used by the Romans were initiated by Hellenic
Scholars of that period (500 to 100 earth years) before the insane and scared to death
people changed the calendar.

The calendar was changed by a schizophrenic amalgamation of small, scared
humans wanting to paint everything with milk and honey.
This utopia of a god in the sky is still causing the expected turbulence amongst
nations. The best example we witness right now between LOONY TO THE BONE
ISRAELIS and Palestinians.

What can I write about Greece (Today's version of Hellas).
Without a significant structure of heavy industry.
Real unemployment closed to 35% (Including all islands, and people over the age of 50).
Greece must maintain a defense budget of about 6 Billion Euros per year to make the Turkish
nation think about a possible invasion of Greece.


On top of this,
Greece spends another billion and a half to maintain a CLERGY, that is influencing
the government on everything they do. From today and inclusive cumming Tuesday
May 6, 2024 ~ ~ All shops, Banks, and what have ya, are closed.

I can not imagine anything other than hoping
for a few commits to hit simultaneously the
middle east, greece, and italy.
To fuck the shit out of their asses.

It was long, long time ago, on Hellenic soil, that academics were planing a world
full of scientific approaches to the means of thinking, communicating, socializing,
producing, just like the farmers do.

From the field to the table.

Harvesting all natural resources for productions and developments in all areas.

Politics were seen as an obstacle for personal growth, and integration into every
days problematics.

Politics were seen as "Relative disintegration of involvement". Because everything is
suppose to be centralized, and directed from the center.

Value exchange mechanisms for the ones that want to manage valuables
were despite, and seen as contemptuous, disregarded personas.

This kind of academics did not want to know about religions, by any means or intend.

Date: Apr 30, 2024

ENDPCR stands for
End - Politics - Capitalism - Religions


Welcome to my new endpcr satire location.

Date: Apr 22, 2024

WHERE IS A digital copyright protection,
WHERE IS My digital !!SHARE!! in the wealth of tomorrow?
in which I have contributed??
Where is it?!?!?!?!!

I want a detailed digital copyright mechanism.
My Ideas, music, my photos, my paintings.
Everything is out for grabs on
Google, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo platforms.
(just to mention a few).

Date: Feb 18, 2024


It's very foolish to still address our brain, and refer to the human consciousness.
It's very foolish because unused theories are a fuck all theory if it is not

Only through the applications and experiments of applied physics, theories
come to be alive. We have been able to transform the human consciousness,
from a resting consciousness to a hands on REALISTIC cosmic view consciousness.
Which, by the way, the two main religions, Christianity and Islam, have slaughtered
and delayed by more than 2000 earth years.

What we see and feel today, through the extension and multiplication of the
human senses, is still a tiny portion of what there is out there in the cosmos.
But, luckily, we are on the right path to perceive REALISTICALLY, even only a very
small portion of what there is.

Reality encompass everything
The earth's climate
is a tiny-tiny
fraction of everything.

Humanity has increased its perception, the last 300 earth years through the use
of prosthetic analyzers, measurement instrumentation, cosmic views via satellites,
focal microscopes, electronic microscopes, focal telescopes,
infrared receivers-analyzers-telescopes, particle accelerators, nuclear fusion simulators,
and so many other gadgets (TOOLS).

To our advantage, the human ego has propelled humanity to be able to build
amazing apparatus, which in turn has enabled us to grab the cosmos
by its balls, ~ ~

Ready to fuck it,
< Explore the details >

Date: Feb 16, 2024

Martial Law is for
pretenses animals
and idiots......

Weak people are tactical followers,
Sick people are tactical followers,
The majority of retired people are tactical followers,
The majority of the upper class are tactical followers,
Idiots of the total population of a country are tactical followers,
All clergy are tactical followers,
The majority of constituent bankers are tactical followers,
The majority of children in the above list are consequent followers,
Who is left to say NO to a government's decisions.

Some? ~ of these groups of people are inclined to swing attitudes.

So? ~ What I try to say is; "Martial Law is for pretenses animals and idiots".

If we need to do things in a completely different way.
Healthy realistic intelligence, know-how, and attitude
needs to go to WAR!!!!!

Political elections and reelections
are for present day Italians,
pussy's, and chickens.

Date: Jan 31, 2024

Indeed, all political elections stink to the sky.

And indeed, sortition is the only selection procedure that is impartial, neutral and horizontal.
But, no matter what type of election method is implemented, the search for a leader with a
divalent standing is what they really, really want.
One should be procured in the political jungle,
And the other is to be able to act better,
Than a center-stage comedian.

< Thats the elite of the lot..!!
With their children,
To gover the morning, torn. >

In our scientific-driven communities, we don't need any more fucking leaders.
All we need is a complete layout of what we want. The rest is just to drive already established
networks of automations for the distribution of products and services.

The main problem lies in "what we want," unilaterally (globally).

Having a Russia amongst us that ties with Iran, which is violating ALL human rights, especially
women rights, and a China that clearly suffers from minimalist anxiety,
cannot bring us together at all.

We can have a global parallel internet network specifically and exclusively for
communal interaction. All daily matters could be solved instantly.
An individual's complex DNA stamp could be planted as a communication proxy
in an individual's body, after an initial global complex DNA collection.

I'm sure,
Vladimir Putin would not like that at all.
Losing its west-east power games.


This planet is not to be about Kings & Queens, Dictators, and power game thrill seekers.
It's about all people on this planet, including the Russian, Iranian, and Chinese people.

But again, ~ ~ Unfortunately, more than half of the Russian population is also fucked in the
brain via the holy spirits (Religions).

We can turn and twist this;
If we don't get rid of POLITICS - CAPITALISM - RELIGIONS..??
Things will continue to turn around in a horror carousel,
Where some are laughing while the
Majority is suffering.

Date: Jan 30, 2024

Progressively, young academic talents from all scientific disciplines, internationally,
are high-jacked by capitalistic endeavors. Just like in the drug circulation, it is hard to refuse
the proposals that usually come with very sizable amounts of money, and!!, scholarships
thrown in.

Clearly, with this earth's population selection criteria, some will get to the honey,
and the majority will be maintained to serve or die.

This is one way to reduce the earth's population.
It's the capitalists cold way of doing things.