

Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

As there are many ways leading to Amsterdam, Kathmandu, Omsk, or Los Angeles,
my way of maintaining a realistic perception is to learn and keep a open mindset.
Staying clear from traditions, religions, social circles of that sort, drug consumption,
commiseration for constant pettiness, and similar degraded lifestyle compilations for
the not so fortunate, that may also be very ugly and sexualy unbalanced.

Of course, a young person seldom meets a similar agility. Children and young people
living at home are prisoners of their parents lifestyle, rules and regulations.

What you are reading on my website is not the usual text book norm.
You are also required to dig here, there and everywhere, while maintaining a open mind set,
and a distance to the communal orientation. Only that way you will be able to realize
how abundant of everything you are, while the governing apparatus with a traditional bias
is inhibiting the masses to use what naturally belongs to every human being.
Thats because the communal glue is not only sticky, it commands politicians to balance
traditions against higher order plans that have come a long way, into some peoples minds that
makes them think; "This way, should be everybody's way"?????.

Every human being on this planet is abundantly buffered.

In this new website I will bring to you step by step MY ACTION PLAN of
How to remove the present political structure.
How to neutralize the people working for the government.
How to short circuit the marketplace, and evaporate all banks and stock markets.
How to transform regional military education and training, into a global defence science.
How to completely eradicate all LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL police forces.
How to completely eradicate the entire law structure.

Realy, I do not know! ~ ~ How to demolish the service of the pope, and the vatican.
I think, this is a job for the earths subinterval maturity pickup events that
may cause corections.


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

The hardest material known today(Nov 23, 2023) is a Diamond.
Diamond is a solid form of the element carbon determined by using
Vickers test scheme.

Conscious thought processes in a human brain can develop such test scheme's,
and not only that.

Thought processes in the human brain are just about to verify the ability to
construct a concious thinking entity using the realism of whighted states of the
true or false logic, by means of electric current flow.

A conscious thought process is above the entire cosmos.
The spectral conscious thought process is all there is.
Reciprocations are trivial and confusing at least.

This is not only my sentiment. Throughout many millennia all humans had the
same persuasion which reached manifestation with a proclamation of the
existence of a god.

They could not help themself in any other way.

Today we know as a fact that a conscious thought process CAN BE above the entire cosmos,
and it has nothing to do with the sentiment of the existence of a god.


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

Dogs like action replays.
This epistrophe supports the learning process in the brain.

Repetitions in a human thought process can cement for what ever it's worth,
especially when the thoughts are stigmatised by music, visualisations, laughter,
tears, happiness, or pain.

We humans have learned to diversefy repetitions, spread into new habitats
and produce variety. Suddenly, repetitions in all areas of envolvement are
produced and bound to a main repetition called tradition(An inherited
pattern of thoughts, action, and complex social behaviors).

With considerable certainty you understand now that traditions are within
a social frame work of plus or minus 20% DIAMOND SOLID.

Following this logic, which is a FACT, ~ ~ What can I say????,
other than: "I am swirling around this plus or minus 20%".

Only a few things come into my mind:
Resistance to change,
Slow of the mark,


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

This article is going to take some time because it has in my view a global scope.
I can set it now until I'll get there the long way.

We need a PEOPLES global military force

A global military force issue, right now, is like playing in a haystack with fire.
A very individual country existential issue that is.

Without exceptions, the governing formations in every country on our planet are routed
deep in their individual military force, they nurture and patronize.

A political and military Alliance

POLITICAL - NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate
on defense and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and,
in the long run, prevent conflict.

MILITARY - NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes.
If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis-management
operations. These are carried out under the collective defense clause of NATO's founding
treaty - Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United Nations mandate, alone or
in cooperation with other countries and international organizations.

Core analysis and suggestions for a
global military force start here below.

!!..The military is far too important in societies for it to be asocial..!!

I have been reading many articles from university papers, dictionaries, definitions,
encyclopedias, official government papers, western democracy articles,
Westminster structure, Hellenic influence on American democracy, and of course,
and many articles on how to become a successful politician.

I was very surprised to read in a official reports that the pattern of executive
functions within a Westminster system is quite complex and nebulous.
On the other side of the coin, british military forces are almost self governed,
with direct ties to the throne.

!!..The military is far too important in societies for it to be asocial..!!

The following military structure I have copied from the united states
department of the army.
Other armies around our planet have similar structures, or their armies are
harmonized to the US structure.

The United States Department of the Army (DA) is one of the three military departments
within the Department of Defense of the U.S.

The Department of the Army is the federal government agency within which the
United States Army is organized, and it is led by THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY,
who has statutory authority, to conduct its affairs and to prescribe regulations
for its GOVERNMENT, subject to the limits of the LAW, and the directions of the
secretary of defense and the PRESIDENT.

The secretary of the army is a CIVILIAN OFFICIAL appointed by the PRESIDENT and
confirmed by the SENATE.

The highest-ranking military officer in the department is the chief of staff of
the Army, who is also a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Other senior officials of the department are the under secretary of the Army
(principal deputy to the secretary); and
The vice chief of staff of the Army (principal deputy to the chief of staff.)

Headquarters, Department of the Army is the corporate office of the department which
exercises directive and supervisory functions and consists of two separate staffs:
----->The Office of the Secretary of the Army (CIVILIAN STUFF); and
----->The Army Staff (The mainly military staff).

The Office of the Secretary and the Army Staff are organized along similar lines,
with civilians and military officers both overseeing similar program areas.

Also, there is a Chief of Staff of the Army that has to be APPOINTED..!!
by the PRESIDENT, with the advice and consent of the SENATE, from the general
officers of the Army.


(1) The PRESIDENT may appoint an officer as Chief of Staff only if—
     (A) the officer has had significant experience in joint duty assignments; and

     (B) such experience includes at least one full tour of duty in a joint duty
     assignment of this title as a general officer.

(2) The PRESIDENT may waive paragraph (1) in the case of an officer if the PRESIDENT
     determines such action is necessary in the national interest.

-----> Paragraph (1) is prefaced by paragraph (2).
-----> Behind and next to the president are numerous advisors.
-----> Just like in the example above (Paragraph (1) is prefaced by paragraph (2))
         conveying functions the entire LAW structure anywhere in the world.

LAW PARAGRAPHS can be prefaced by paragraphs in the joice of governments.
It does not stop there.
Constitutional paragraphs can be prefaced by paragraphs of choice,
depending on the circumstances.

Of course a flexible structure is better than a fixed one.
But? ~ ~ Who is to say one over another to use.
Well not the general public..!?!?!?!?

In other words, What a fucking black hole of a governing structure is that?????

The citizens of our world are governed by a structure that ordinary people

Who is the secretary of the army ( CIVILIAN OFFICIAL ) appointed by the
PRESIDENT and confirmed by the SENATE.
There is a BLACK HOLE right there.

Why, for sooooh many years, have people been putting up
with this black hole nonsense..!!

!!..The military is far too important in societies for it to be asocial..!!

The deliberation to Political Aspects in the twenty first century, two powerful
alternative interpretations of decision making within governing institutions
pushed deliberation to the background.

One was the development of the group theory, or pluralist interpretation,
of democratic ( Pupped show ) politics inflicting gained prominence.
This view identified bargaining among group interests, rather than collective
deliberation about a common good, as the decisive characteristic of governmental,
and especially of legislative, decision making ( The rule from the prominence ).

The second development was the rise of rational-choice theories that posited that
legislative decision making could be best understood as a process of aggregating the
PERSONAL GOALS and ambitions of political actors wanting to aweigh military
readyness of some sort, for priliminary actions.

A rational choice maintains that legislators should not argue and reason together
about what constitutes or how to achieve national security, but rather find ways
through the legislative process to achieve their personal preferences and views.

This mixed bag of politics ( Scrambled eggs ) favors its minority politicians to
be coming from the prominence, while the majority is sneaking through the
corny bottleneck of the masses.

!!..The military is far too important in societies for it to be asocial..!!

So ~ ~,
How to create a global people's army force??????...

This is not to be a narrative proclamation within a joke structure.

No - no!;
To me, this is a very serious global issue.

But, unless we resolve the fundamental social barriers, together with
- - Overpopulation measures (Population reductions everywhere),
- - Plural negation to value exchange mechanisms,
- - Pairing rockweed with colly money depantdendcies,
- - Realization that all religions are just evolutionary strong human brain fantasies,
We will not be able to come together as earthy human beings, ever!!..

Any suggestions would be a foolish devoid dream of another dream.......


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

Cross out the word "POLICE" and its meaning because it is
synonymous with understandings behind the favorable words of;

Its a protective instrument with sub-functions, like social equalibrioum
Soothers - Smoothers - Watchdogs.
Protecting work in progress (WIP) for their superiors that are flanking more
and more complex law systems which are created in their favor for one,
but very vast and nebulous for any other, where the common public is trying to find
orientation in this so called "justice system"(a hip of shit!!).

How to eradicaten the NEED for a specialy trained
communal inland force called "police"??

For most people today, this is a crazy thought.

Who is going to capture a violent dangerous criminal?
Who is going to investigate a case?
And, if this person is violent and dangerous, he or she must be locked up until law
proceedings (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of
determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence.

In today's world, communities without a police force are unthinkable.
Absolutely correct.

Let's start again.

What if, we repeat globaly the american civil war.

The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 - May 26, 1865;
Also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union[e] ("the North")
and the Confederacy ("the South"), which had been formed by states that had seceded from the Union.
The cause of the war was the dispute over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the
western territories, leading to more slave states, or be prevented from doing so, which many
believed would place slavery on a course of ultimate extinction.

Decades of political controversy over slavery were brought to a head by the victory in
1860 U.S. presidential election of Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery's expansion into
the western territories. Seven southern slave states responded to Lincoln's victory by
seceding from the United States and forming the Confederacy.
The Confederacy seized U.S. forts and other federal assets within their borders.
Four more southern states seceded after the war began and, led by Confederate President
Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy asserted control over about a third of the U.S. population
in eleven states. Four years of intense combat, mostly in the South, ensued.

During 1861-1862 in the Western Theater, the Union made significant permanent gains—though in the
Eastern Theater the conflict was inconclusive. The abolition of slavery became a Union war goal
on January 1, 1863, when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves
in rebel states to be free, which applied to more than 3.5 million of the 4 million enslaved
people in the country. To the west, the Union first destroyed the Confederacy's river navy by the
summer of 1862, then much of its western armies, and later seized New Orleans.
The successful 1863 Union siege of Vicksburg split the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi River.
In 1863, Confederate General Robert E. Lee's incursion north ended at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Western successes led to General Ulysses S. Grant's command of all Union armies in 1864.
Inflicting an ever-tightening naval blockade of Confederate ports, the Union marshaled resources
and manpower to attack the Confederacy from all directions. This led to the fall of Atlanta in
1864 to Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, followed by his March to the Sea.
The last significant battles raged around the ten-month Siege of Petersburg, gateway to the
Confederate capital of Richmond. The Confederates abandoned Richmond, and on April 9, 1865,
Lee surrendered to Grant following the Battle of Appomattox Court House, setting in motion
the end of the war.

A wave of Confederate surrenders followed.
On April 14, just five days after Lee's surrender,


That's the nature of
biased, blinded,
inward looking christian humans...!!

On May 26, the last military department of the Confederacy,
the Department of the Trans-Mississippi, effectively surrendered, but the conclusion of the
American Civil War lacks a clear end date, and Appomattox is often symbolically referred to.
Small confederate ground forces continued surrendering past the May 26 surrender date until
June 23. By the end of the war, much of the South's infrastructure was destroyed,
especially its railroads. The Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished,
and four million enslaved black people were freed. The war-torn nation then entered the
Reconstruction era in an attempt to rebuild the country, bring the former Confederate states
back into the United States, and grant civil rights to freed slaves.

The Civil War is one of the most extensively studied and written about episodes in U.S. history.
It remains the subject of cultural and historiographical debate.

Nothing will come around
Without blood shed....

by talking nice with
please and thank you, and
things may change
in the future ~ ~ ?????.

This is what most people are contemplating

No - No..!!
This time around, we can fight for absolute freedom for all people on this planet.
Abolishing value exchange mechanisms (Money use - Banks - Capital markets).
Abolishing parliamentary democracy and wing the air with high-tech-gadgets bottom up.
From local to global perspectives that can mold intentions with loose directives.

Implement a global biometric identification for every individual.
Liberate children from motherhood claims.
Create SUPER COMMUNITIES that are multi skilled, and very watchful.

Not home bound, but sharing everything,

Sleeping corner -
Skills -
Food and drink on a table -

Always hanging out with other people, but ready to travel at any time it will.

While children amongst all people have the right to form children communities.
Learning, playing, and watching each other.

And of course, abolishing age boundaries;
Child -
Young person -
Mature person.

Accept the life stage in a person's life, from day one to 10 years, where they
should be looked after by experts, and helpers, while being surrounded by
same age children.

Humanity has settled into a corner for many millennia, opposite the ruling side.
It's almost like nature's neural packet of a higher being development,
in a humans brain. Almost, because unlike religions, humans still fight for
indiscriminate claims for freedom of choice, and way of life.

Within this kind of human forced orientation it is very difficult for many settled
minds to imagine the absolute right to be able to defend yourself AND..!!
your doings, with one or more weapons to kill unwelcoming intruders into your life,
that may also want to eliminate you(Kill you).

With this scope and arguments, the ability to protect the community interests is

It is difficult for many to Cary on them a weapon that can
kill another human. But, consider the following.

After the abolishment of;
Value exchange mechanisms (money - banks - money markets),
Organized religious practices,
Top down political systems (democratic favorable estrangement arangements).
Removed guilt or judgment that may come from freely meeting sexual needs.


Carrying a weapon on you must still be a must!, because although
the true reasons for killings are no longer provoking,
some people may still want to kill you because you are red, white,
black, yellow, very talented, knowledgeable, skilled, too tall,
too thin, too fat, too skinny, too pretty, too ugly,
too serious, too smiley, or for whatever reason.

Until we'll be able to technically mess around with someone's brain
effectively, the option to defend yourself imminent,
will still be necessary.

On the other hand.
If someone has several registered human killings on record,
He or she must be eliminated by the global military force instantly.
No questions asked - -
No trial - -
She or he is gone.


Under these scenarios, a police force is not required.
Scrambled law partitions (systems) are not required, we are better
off without it.

You slap me - I will slap you - Instantly.

Do not worry.
Humanity has come a long way, experiencing violence.
Nowadays, most people are educated and holding a big distance
to violent outbreaks.


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

Keep Realism As A Prime Knowingness



Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

What to say without to get dirty??

The only thing we can do is to replace dark room behaviors
with open-faced intelligent machine theories for the
common good, using intelligent machine communication methodologies.

I can not see any other method other than a global, synchronized rise
against the current established governing formations that are super-seated
by social gangs developed as ruling facades that run all sorts of governing
They may advertise them as democracies, but the underlying governing
structures remain intact (anything but democratic). Hand in hand with
very niffy multilayer comedy executions in each security body; Army, Police,
Clergy, Banks, - - Incorporating controlled communication infrastructures;
Radio, Television, Newspapers (e-papers), Magazines and the like.

You know?
If you hang on a branch of a tree a honey jar, all sorts creatures will rise
for it, even kill eachother.

Similar to this are the value exchange mechanisms we got used to using
weighing money against each transaction.
Value exchange mechanics started thousands of years ago.
Just like religions, these value exchange mechanics have been developed to
end up favoring portfolio security structures, which are topped or covered by
systematic, enforced economic dependency obligations.

NINETY NINE PERCENT of all homicide cases are routed to money flow.

Hello ? - - - - Hello ?!?!?!?!?
Is it just me ????

If you like to have faith in something, have faith in the open oceans,
the open air, the wide cosmic space, and the light of the sun.

Stop watching television - Stop listening to the radio.
Rejecting these two governing tools alone will set you free 60%.....

Despise all that is holding you,
Stop going to work because you have to.
Join with others to fulfill your interests and take over realistic developments.
Productions with absolutely no overheads.

- - Say no to your bank account.
- - Be multiskilled.

Say to people that we all can have infinite access to materials from our earth
and soon from the entire cosmos.
We do not need loony economics.

Take over all supermarkets and their affiliated organizations (Suppliers).
All police forces should join, this type of watchdog is not needed anymore.
All army personnel: say "no" to your superiors.

Clergy are to be ignored.
Let them imagine and dream, because THIS IS ALL they can do.

Of course all this points I am stating are laughable for a majority
of government employees. Of course, government employees are sorted,
they don't give a shit about others. Just like their superiors, they only care
about their lifestyle.
Unfortunately, these are massive problems that cannot be overcome with
Friendliness, fairness, understandings, considerate slow approaches to turn this
people around. Because, just like all living creatures on this planet, they are
animals with a skin - front and backend exhausts for wee!! and shit!!.

I'm not fantasizing without having in view a realistic conversion
method for my fantasies.
Now you would like to ask me "what my conversion method is".
What is my conversion methodology, ha!!?!?
Well, you are not going to like my method, but like it or not, it's the only
realistic one, there is!!.

!!!! - WAR - !!!!

A global synchronized - split in thousands of corners mini wars, to bring down
queens and kings, all capitalistic strong holds, while removing forever the value
exchange mechanisms(Money - Banks - Money Markets).

If you think there is another way,
You are definitely not a realistic creature.


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

There is nothing to be said ~ ~ really ~ ~ Other then;
I'm happy to be able to show you where religions belong.
Without a second thought.

I don't want them to go as free..!!
So, I will point out some very catastrophic behaviors.

Religious teachings in schools are realistically
categorized as child abuse.

Religion and capitalism have an underlay of paranoid schizophrenia.

Derived from the Hellenistic period 'schizo' (splitting) and 'phren' (mind)
with the term first coined by Eugen Bleuler in 1908, schizophrenia is a
functional psychotic disorder, characterized by the presence of
delusional beliefs, hallucinations, and disturbances in thought,
perception, and behavior.

Obsessed with politics is also a form of paranoid schizophrenia, but because
it is a general social behavior, it can be structured.

Most notable paranoid schizophrenic behavior can be observed

on christians and muslims. One instance they can be welcoming,

and down to earth friendly, but the next minute they

can kill you without a tinkle in their eye.

They claim to love, cherish, and look after wive and children,

but simultaneously they are restricting their true freedom's.


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

- - Intelligent Machine Freedom ????
- - Biological Human Reproduction ????
- - With or Without Children ????
- - Does humanity need to pass through a childhood stage ????
- - Gender Neutrality ????
- - Reproductive organs, sexuality, and self-interest resumptions?!?!

We are facing a dilemma while moving strongly into intelligent machine territory.
Being physically next to a superintelligence is creepy-crawly.
I would not like that at all.

Producing a control interface for automated machines is a utopia.
Humankind has entered a stage of no return.
The majority may not want to develop machines further.
But the realistic view is that the strong that want to control most of you
will develop intelligent machines for supervision.

What do we do ???? ~ ~ jack ??

Theoretically, there are infinite scenarios.
Realistically, there are maybe a hand full.

One realistic scenario that I personally like is;
Machine intelligence should be made without moving parts
(without doing any physical work) on earth.

That should only be possible in space, moon, mars, and anywhere else in the cosmos.

We grant existential security to Orangutans in Indonesia and gorillas in central
Africa. Along these lines, we need to declare planet Earth as the exclusive home
of humankind with all its ancestry, lineage, and line of descent.
Including insects and viruses.

The whole earthy life cocktail.

We must, of course, develop machine intelligence to its limits (if there are any)
on Earth. After all, we must keep the scientific research active for all sorts of
reasons. Weapon developments for the defense against intelligent robotic intrusions
are an example. Comet defense shield, space exploration, spaceship development,
and so on.

It is great to be a biological intelligent creature;
Like we ~ humans ~ are.

Let's keep this moments forever (Until the end of Planet Earth).


Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

The combination of two or more activities for forming intent end products and
services is a very challenging and fulfilling task. Of course after the reduction of
our planets' population, we, are dependent on ready to use products and services.

In many occasions I have experienced the phenomenon;
"Simplicity promoting functional perfection",
when designing a circuit board for an electronic application.

Art work simplicity always matches and promotes aesthetic and functional perfection.

It makes me think, if a cosmic intelligence is also supported by a simplistic layout.

Another method that I learned well during my years of study, is simplifications.

Why am I writing all this??
Well, we need to come together as a specie on this planet.
The way to do that effectively IS NOT!!, on a bandwagon with lots of regulations that
are structured favorably for queens, kings, cohesive partners, capitalistic strongholds,
complex can do, can not do(LAW) structures, and on top of all that, a floating fantasy,
prominent for deceptive promises upon good behavior.

THERE IS NO WAY, WHATSOEVER, to come together on this bandwagon.

What we need to do is to simplify daily routines of all kind, after having cleared away
restrictions, limitations, ranks, responsibility obligations, skill evaluations
(Skills come and go).

What you hipped out now is most likely irrelevant tomorrow.

We must be willing to be free.
Learn and play in an interchangeable, constant pattern.
Most people do not understand what it means to be free.

To be really free means to be able to live or die within a habitat, made for
existing, living, with all the pro and cons.

It's up to you to be an incredible female, incredible male, living on encompass
platforms of creativity, pleasure, conceptual, and multilateral spectrums.
Most of all, you must at all instances feel satisfaction.

The main key is; PERSONAL SATISFACTION....!!

If personal satisfaction is missing,
You are strolling on a "Loosing it All" platform.

Trust me....!!
You do not want to cook, clean, rise children, spread your
legs to a male dick for an OBLIGATIONAL pleasure.

Market Place

Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

Air -
Water -
Earth -
Gold -
Silver -
Diamonds -
Oil -


All earthy resources are not for sale. Every human has
the right to use them without charge.

All gases, liquids, or solids are part of being.
No one should have the right to own earths resources.

Subsequent products such as:
Electricity -
Communication -
Computation -

It is, for humans, irreversible life dependencies.

Just to be clear, we know where and how we stand.
We are educated, we are brilliant, we know what matters,
we know what we want.
Lots of leaders that are sculpting our life swill immensely
suffer in the near future.

World Fuse

Just to make it crystal clear!!
The earth is round.
There is no god.
Time travel is a utopian fantasy.
When it rains from the top, everything beneath will get wet.
Space Time, is a fouls phrase. - There is no "TIME".
Other than human made instrumentation for
RELATIVE duration measurements.

There will be NO! WORLD FUSE;
If China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, and all African nations
continue to grow their populations as they do right now.

This nation's resample, giant torrent streams.
Only they can make adjustment from within to their population growth,
No one else.

The earth's population is a very serious
matter because all people depend on
earth's resources.

Internet Links